Su di me .::. Il Numero Imperfetto .::. Senza Fine .::.
Tracce .::. Parliamone .::. Pietre Miliari .::.
Istantanee .::. Letture .::. Alaska .::. SyA .::. Italia giallabianca .::. Italia giallabianca 2 .::. Mongolia .::. Patagonia
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spedito da: Andrea
Data: domenica, 19 agosto 2018 - ore 19:17

One week ago I flew into PUB38 and the finish line of TCRNo6 feeling the dream coming true (still under understanding process...). Now it’s the thanks moment: @juhring @annaprintsart @cycling_bear and Tom Kirkpatrick (sorry for missing mention) great Team, please, keep going on with this spirit because the Mike’s legacy is still on and alive more than ever. I’m just a little spot into these six years TCR life but strongly committed to join the future appointments; the mood and the framework is absolutely exciting and be part of it is more than a privilege, it is a way of living...and I got it. Thanks again for everything.
Coming back to my entourage, thanks to @robertostrasserra, dotwatcher number 1, following me as always done in the past but with a special mood this time. My NOK, @forrest13 scared about a +44 phone call incoming (never dialed...). My trainer, Saverio Ottolini (Sport Attitude- more confident than me about reaching Meteora...), that leaded me to the goal with determination. My parents, family and friends who followed me along the “crazy path” across Europe and joined me at the start (@a_schett and @carminesch). All the riders I met on the road, some of them became brothers in arms (@labicicletacafemallorca, @micciacorta76, @br1hatecrew). Last but not least, a special person who promised to be on the finish line despite of the events, to pick me up and bring me home living my “TCR feeling bubble” (still on) before anybody else. That’s all folks, see you next time...

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>>torna a casa...

>>torna a casa...

On-line dal 28 gennaio 2007 | credits: Andrea De Gruttola | contatti | disclaimer: il materiale riprodotto è di proprietà dell'autore e di tutti coloro che, opportunamente citati, abbiano fornito il consenso all'utilizzo. | Il Numero Imperfetto © 2006 Il Filo Editore S.r.l., Roma - | Senza Fine © 2009 AltroMondo Editore, Padova -